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General information on choosing a review board

The prerequisite for participation in the DFG Review Board election is the established eligibility to vote and the associated entry in the electoral roll.

The requirements for the right to vote are set out in § 2 of the DFG's election regulations (WahlO-DFG). According to this, the right to vote requires

  1. Membership of an electoral body:
    Clausthal University of Technology, as a member institution of the DFG, is an electoral body.
  2. Personal qualifications, which are specified as follows in Section 2 No. 2 of the WahlO-DFG:
  • Researchers who, before the first day of the election period (i.e., no later than 22.10.2023)
    • have completed their studies and
    • have passed the oral doctoral examination (or a recognized comparable final examination)
  • as well as professors (including junior professors),

if, on the first day of the election period (i.e., 23.10.2023), they are engaged in academic research activities not limited to this day (i.e., not only persons in an employment relationship).

You can also find help in assessing whether you are eligible to vote in the FAQ on the DFG website.

Since the data on academic research activities at Clausthal University of Technology as a prerequisite for eligibility to vote is not recorded in this way, automated registration or inclusion in the electoral roll is unfortunately not possible.
Therefore, as in the past, the Electoral Office is dependent on your help and support in compiling the electoral roll.

The eligible voters must be determined independently by the institutes and facilities of Clausthal University of Technology and notified to the Electoral Office by e-mail using the form “Teilwählerverzeichnis”.
Please note that persons who conduct academic research at several institutions may only vote once (at one submission). This must be taken into account accordingly before registering in the partial electoral roll.

All eligible voters notified by the institutions of Clausthal University of Technology who are entered in the electoral roll will receive a letter from the Electoral Office (DFG Electoral Office) by internal mail (probably in mid-October) containing the necessary voting code to participate in the online election.