AGG office

Conflicts are often part of everyday working life. The university does not tolerate social misconduct in the workplace, such as discrimination and unresolved conflicts, including bullying. Employee satisfaction and motivation are key criteria for the success of a university as an employer. In order to achieve top performance, it is necessary to ensure employee satisfaction in the workplace.

As an employer, Clausthal University of Technology is committed to actively preventing or eliminating discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity as specified in the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) (Section 1 AGG).

Those affected should be expressly encouraged not to accept their situation, to actively deal with the situation and to seek advice and support with the aim of eliminating the stressful situation, in particular to resolve the existing conflict.

Bystanders are asked not to look the other way when incidents of this kind occur, but to offer help to those affected through solidarity and to support them in their search for solutions.

Clausthal University of Technology actively promotes a culture of transparency and sees it as an opportunity to become aware of conflicts within the meaning of the AGG at an early stage. It also sees such a culture as an instrument of prevention.


According to the AGG, employees can complain to their employer if they feel disadvantaged in connection with their employment on one of the grounds listed in Section 1 of the AGG.

The AGG office is intended to provide employees with low-threshold access to a complaints procedure and also serves as a first point of contact.

The AGG office provides advice and information on the process and content of a formal complaints procedure and informs those affected about their rights and options. This can be followed by a formal complaints procedure, the facts of which are also investigated and examined by the AGG office.