Welcome to the website of the Electoral Office of Clausthal University of Technology.
The Electoral Office is responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of elections:
- University elections (elections to the Senate, faculty councils and doctoral student representatives);
- Elections to the student body bodies in cooperation with the student body (student parliament, student councils, foreigners' council);
- Appointments to Senate committees and election of Senate representatives;
- Every four years, the Electoral Office also acts as the election office for the online election of the members of the DFG Review Boards.
Clausthal University of Technology's election officer is the representative in the office of the full-time Vice President, Saskia Goike. The election officer's representative is Claudia Möglich.
General information on the university elections (Senate and Faculty Councils)
Elections to the Senate and the faculty councils take place every year in the winter semester. The regular term of office in the collegial bodies and the commissions is based on Section 12 (5) of the Clausthal University of Technology's Basic Regulations and is three years; the term of office for student members is one year.
Members of Clausthal University of Technology from the four status groups entered in the electoral roll may vote. Each person elects the respective representative of their status group in each body according to their own membership of a status group. The elections are conducted on the basis of the election regulations of Clausthal University of Technology. The election committee monitors the correctness of the elections and is responsible for them in cooperation with the election management. The election committee consists of two representatives each from the university lecturers' group, the staff group, the student group and the technical and administrative staff group (MTV group). The election period is determined at the beginning of the relevant winter semester.
Election of the doctoral student representatives
On the basis of § 9 paragraph 4 NHG i.V.m. § 7 b of the Basic Regulations of Clausthal University of Technology, a doctoral student representation is elected by the accepted doctoral candidates. The doctoral student representatives of Clausthal University of Technology consist of one member and one deputy from each faculty. The doctoral student representation elects a chairperson and deputy from among its members.
Accepted doctoral candidates who are entered in the electoral register of the doctoral student representatives can vote and be elected. All accepted doctoral candidates of a faculty form an electoral area. The electoral roll is kept by the faculties. The required data is provided to the election management by the faculties in compliance with data protection regulations.
The term of office for members of the doctoral student representatives is two years.
Elections to the student bodies take place at the same time as the university elections. More detailed information on the student body elections can be found on the website of the General Students' Committee.
The university elections and the elections to the student body bodies are two independent but parallel election procedures.
Election Officer’s Representative
Claudia Möglich
Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2a, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Phone: +49 5323 72-2217
Email: wahlamt@tu-clausthal.de
Elections in the winter semester 2024/2025
Elections to the Senate and the faculty councils in the student group